In-person Conference
Civil Fraud Law & Practice 2024: Shaping New Developments into Solution-Focused Answers for Your Clients
Court-Proven, Solution-Focused Answers to the 7 Thorniest Legal Matters Facing Experienced Civil Fraud Practitioners: Directly from Top-flight KCs and Solicitors
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Chair's Introduction
Civil fraud law and practice: Shaping new developments into solution-focused answers for your clients
Chaired by Nicola Boulton of PCB Byrne
Nicola is “one of the brightest minds of her generation in civil fraud litigation.” “She is pre-eminent - so incredibly strategic and the person to turn to in times of trouble."
Crypto assets
In light of the Scenna decision on crypto assets, has the use of court procedures actually got anyone back their assets and if so, how?
Answered by Paul Lowenstein KC
Paul acted in AA v Persons Unknown to trace, freeze and recover Bitcoin paid as a ransom following a malware attack. "He is a supreme advocate and communicator."
Third parties overseas
What is realistic and achievable when seeking disclosure orders against third parties overseas, and how do you do it swiftly and cost-effectively?
Answered by Zoe O’Sullivan KC
Zoe obtained a worldwide freezing and asset disclosure order against a Ukrainian oligarch accused of defrauding one of Ukraine’s biggest banks. “She is a star silk for the future.”
Morning Coffee
Illegally obtained evidence
How do you control - and overcome - the difficulties of illegally obtained evidence, e.g. hacked emails or secret video footage, following the spate of recent cases?
Answered by Charles Bott KC
Charles is "one of the UK’s most sough-after financial crime silks." "His knowledge and immediate understanding of a case and his communication skills are incredible."
Knowing receipt
How has the Byers v Saudi National Bank decision changed existing thinking about knowing receipt and dishonest assistance claims?
Answered by Philip Hinks of 3VB
Philip is "a star, without a doubt, one of the top juniors at the Bar.” He is acting in a billion-dollar fraud claim arising over gold bullion loans: Harrington & Charles Trading Company v Mehta.
Countering dissipation
How do you force a defendant to call in liquid assets before and after judgment and how do you overcome the risks associated with these actions?
Answered by Richard Morgan KC
Richard is “a brilliant lateral thinker and strategist who understands the points that will play best with the Court. He appeared in the Convoy Collateral v Broad Idea litigation.
How do you get fraud evidence from company insolvency situations where the insolvency practitioner may not wish to investigate impropriety too deeply?
Answered by Catherine Addy KC
Catherine is “a prominent silk in the cross-over space between insolvency, fraud and commercial disputes.” She is a deputy Insolvency and Companies Court judge.
Artificial Intelligence
How can fraudsters co-opt Artificial Intelligence and how - practically and legally - can you stop them?
Answered by Tim Akkouh KC
Tim acted in JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov, Mezhprom v Pugachev, Chernukhin v Deripaska. “He has a fantastically creative mind and isn’t afraid to pursue difficult arguments.”
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