Hybrid Conference

Matrimonial Finance Law & Practice: Shaping New Developments into Solution-Focused Answers for Your Clients

Court-Proven, Solution-Focused Answers to 7 of the Biggest Legal Challenges facing Experienced Practitioners: Directly from Top-Flight King’s Counsel, Judges and Senior Juniors

5 hours CPD

We very much look forward to seeing you at Matrimonial Finance 2024

Live attendance at The Caledonian Club, London

Additional clips from Matrimonial Finance on-demand conference

Abigail Bennett on Spousal Maintenance Claims

James Ewins KC on Evolving Costs Rules

Justin Warshaw KC on Non-matrimonial Property

Michael Horton KC on Conduct and Equality

Jason Green on Company Income and Valuations

Tim Parker KC on Children’s Needs vs. Standard Splits

  • Available online

    All talks are pre-recorded, to the standard of a TV broadcast service, so you can watch on-demand and online, whenever suits you best

  • Information you won't find elsewhere

    Our experts talk under Chatham House Rule, so you get the best, most readily usable information they wouldn't share elsewhere

On-demand clip

So you know what to expect from the recorded conference, here is a clip of Grant Lazarus.

Grant is answering the question: What are the implications of the PAG2 report on pension sharing on divorce? How do you get it right for clients and protect yourself from claims made against you?


  1. Chair's Introduction

    Matrimonial Finance Law & Practice: Shaping new developments into solution-focused answers for your clients

    Chaired by Samantha Hillas KC of St John's Buildings

    Samantha is "fantastic on her feet, brilliantly clever, charming and one of the best-prepped barristers out there." "She never fails to put her heart and soul into a case.”

  2. Non-matrimonial Property

    What is the latest judicial thinking on non-matrimonial property, including inheritance, pensions and the application of the mingling principles, with a focus on "needs"?

    Answered by Justin Warshaw KC of 1 Hare Court

    Justin is "a strategic mastermind, extremely articulate, and a force to be reckoned with." "His real strength is his totally fearless approach to hard-litigated cases."

  3. Conduct and Equality

    To what extent does conduct give you an edge when arguing for a departure from equality following the spate of recent cases, and what type of conduct will the court take into account?

    Answered by Michael Horton KC of Coram Chambers

    Michael is "brilliant - a joy to work with - and a problem solver." He acted for the appellant in Villiers v Villiers [UKSC 2020] over an s. 27 maintenance application.

  4. Pension sharing

    What are the implications of the PAG2 report on pension sharing on divorce? How do you get it right for clients and protect yourself from claims made against you?

    Answered by Grant Lazarus of 7 Harrington St Chambers

    Grant is a member of the PAG and involved in redrafting the sections on Apportionment and Offsetting. "He is an exceptional advocate, legal brain and public speaker.”

  5. Spousal Maintenance Claims

    What is realistic and achievable in spousal maintenance claims, and how drastic must the change of circumstances be to vary upwards or downwards?

    Answered by Abigail Bennett of JMW Solicitors

    Abigail is a Deputy District Judge; she frequently sits in the most complicated money cases. "She is totally in command, knows everything and instils real confidence."

  6. Evolving Costs Rules

    Under evolving costs rules, how do you pitch open and Without Prejudice offers, postpone offers, and what do you do when the other party is not making an offer?

    Answered by James Ewins KC of QEB

    James is “an ace strategist cutting through a brief to identify the magic number for settlement in lightning-quick time.” He sits as a Deputy High Court Judge.

  7. Company Income and Valuations

    How do you help clients facing a sudden reduction in company income, expenses or valuation, and what do you do if you think the reductions are manipulations?

    Answered by Jason Green of Harcourt Chambers

    Jason is "a class act whose advocacy is pitched perfectly." "He is utterly charming with clients who love him and impressive in the way he handles difficult opponents."

  8. Children’s Needs vs. Standard Splits

    What counts and what will sway a court weighing children’s needs, like stable housing, against standard splits such as 50:50 or 60:40 in asset division?

    Answered by Tim Parker KC of Deka Chambers

    Tim is "technically brilliant with fine attention to detail." "He gets superb results for his clients and is a first-class silk for heavy-weight cases involving children."

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