In-person Conference
Subsidy Control: Shaping New Law into Solution-Focused Answers for Your Clients
Court-Proven, Solution-Focused Answers to 7 of the Biggest Legal Challenges in Subsidy Control: Directly from Top-Flight King's Counsel, Solicitors, Regulators and Economists
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Registration and coffee
Chair's introduction
Subsidy Control: Shaping new law into solution-focused answers for your clients
Chaired by Ciara Kennedy-Loest of Hogan Lovells
Ciara is "one of the UK's leading authorities on State Aid" and a superb speaker. She acted for BEIS on the recent sale of Bulb to Octopus Energy and the associated High Court litigation.
Dr Totis Kotsonis, Head of Subsidies at Pinsent Masons
Totis' “state aid expertise is magisterial.” He is an arbitrator for EU bilateral trade disputes, including subsidy control, under the UK-EU TCA.
Claire Froitzheim, Director, Subsidy Advice Unit, Competition & Markets Authority
Totis and Claire will impart practical solutions, take questions and comment on the talks throughout.
View from the bench
What is the direction of travel for subsidy control cases in the UK?
Answered by The Hon. Mr Justice Marcus Smith
Sir Marcus is the President of the Competition Appeal Tribunal
How do you decide in grey-area cases whether a subsidy exists and aligns with the subsidy compatibility principles?
Answered by George Peretz KC
George is joint convenor of the UK State Aid Law Association and the UK reporter for the European State Aid Law Quarterly. "He is a leading light in European law issues."
CMA referrals
How do you practically and legally approach a CMA referral for subsidies deemed to be of particular interest?
Answered by Alexander Rose of DWF
Alexander has a national reputation for subsidy compliance and State Aid. He advised a large automotive manufacturer over a subsidy to build a gigafactory.
Morning coffee
CMO test
What do you need to know about the Commercial Market Operator test and the economic and financial tools that will allow you to apply it?
Answered by Nicole Robins of Oxera
Nicole advises on the economic and financial issues associated with State Aid, including MEOP and SGEI. She provides EU Judges with training on State Aid economics.
Streamlined routes
How far can you push the boundaries of the Streamlined Routes, and how can public authorities transfer Subsidy Control obligations down to recipients?
Answered by Anneli Howard KC
Anneli advised on the State Aid aspects of the NHS's supply chain transformation programme. She wrote “Litigating infringements in national courts” in Bellamy & Child.
State Aid concepts
What relevance do State Aid concepts have under the new Subsidy Control regime, e.g. GBER, “flow-through”, the German land decision?
Answered by Conor Quigley KC
Conor is "unbeatable in the field of State Aid - with vast experience and a deep understanding of the issues." He is the author of "European State Aid Law and Policy."
What counts and will sway the CAT in a challenge, what is the standard of review, and what are the key learning points from the British Sugar and Bulb litigations?
Answered by Sarah Lee KC
Sarah has appeared in a multitude of cases in the General Court, including the State Aid case over the rollout of Broadband in Cornwall. She is a contributor to "Competition Litigation, UK Practice and Procedure."
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