In-person Conference
Subsidy Control: Shaping New Law into Solution-Focused Answers for Your Clients
Court-Proven, Solution-Focused Answers to 7 of the Biggest Legal Challenges facing Experienced Practitioners: Directly from Top-Flight King’s Counsel, Solicitors, Regulators and Economists
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Chair's Introduction
Subsidy Control: Shaping new law into solution-focused answers for your clients
Chaired by Ciara Kennedy-Loest of Hogan Lovells
Ciara is "one of the UK's leading authorities on state aid" and “a superb speaker”. She advised on the State aid aspects of the proposed privatisation of the Greek Railways.
Dr Totis Kotsonis, Head of Subsidies, Pinsent Masons
Totis has " magisterial expertise in state aid regulation". He is an arbitrator for EU bilateral trade disputes, including subsidy control, under the UK-EU TCA.
Totis and Ciara will impart practical solutions, take questions and comment on the talks throughout.
View from the bench
What is the direction of travel for subsidy control cases in the UK?
Answered by The Hon. Mr Justice Marcus Smith
Subsidy grey areas
Where are the grey areas over the definition of a subsidy, and to what extent are EU State aid principles and guidance still relevant?
Answered by Joseph Barrett KC
Joseph is “a total star - fearless and tactically superb.” “He instinctively knows the arguments that will work in court and is the author of “European Law of State Aid.”
Durham case
Given that Durham was not appealed, can you confidently rely on the CAT's reasoning over the conferral of an economic advantage?
Answered by George Peretz KC
George is joint convenor of the UK State Aid Law Association and the UK reporter for the European State Aid Law Quarterly. "He is a leading light in European law issues."
Morning Coffee
Streamlined routes
To what extent are the streamlined routes being used, and how are they plugging the gap left by the General Block Exemption Regulation?
Answered by Alexander Rose of DWF
Alexander advised Durham Council in the UK's first Subsidy Control court case and an automotive manufacturer over a subsidy to build a gigafactory. “His experience is unrivalled.”
SAU reports
How helpful is an SAU report given that they will not provide any opinion on the legality of the subsidy itself, and what are the workarounds?
Answered by Alex Kynoch of Browne Jacobson
Alex leads the firm’s subsidy control team and advises all levels of government. “He is known for his ability to translate complex legal issues into pragmatic advice
Principle G
How do you calculate a subsidy's beneficial effect vis-à-vis its negative impact on UK and international trade and competition, i.e. Principle G?
Answered by Nicole Robins of Oxera
Nicole advises on economic and financial issues associated with the subsidy control regime. She teaches on King’s College London’s Economics for Competition Law diploma course.
Legal certainty
Why are there so few challenges, and how can the new regime provide certainty without case law, particularly if State aid law is to be departed from increasingly?
Answered by Aidan Robertson KC
Aidan is “a genius - there's nothing he doesn't know." He co-edited the multi-volume encyclopaedia “Law of the European Union” and acted in the Durham Subsidy Control case.
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